Name __________________________ Date ____________________________
Pilgrims Going to Church by George Henry
Boughton , 1833-1905
1. Where was G.H. Boughton born? _______________________________
2. What did he do with the money from the first painting he sold?
3. In the painting Pilgrims Going to Church how many people can
you count? ___________
(One of the women is carrying a baby.)
4. What is the season of the year?
5. Which person do you think is the minister?
6. How many men are carrying guns? _________ Why do you think they
needed to carry guns
to church with them?
7. One of the trees has been cut down. What would they do with the
trees they chopped down?
8. Would you like to have lived in those days? __________ Tell why or
why not.